0.13-micron Technology
Industry term which refers to the size of the poly silicon gates on the microprocessor. The size here directly correlated with the speed and power needed by the microprocessor. If the size is reduced, then the processor speed in units of MHz (Mega Hertz) increases, while the power requirement decreases significantly.
Chips or chipsets are small pieces of silicon which is used for storing information and instructions on the computer. Each component has at least one chip in it, chipsets on the motherboard controls basic input and output of the computer. The chipset on the video card controls the rendering of 3D graphics and the output of the image on your monitor. CPU chip is one example of some very important components.
An additional tool which can manage the operation of existing equipment under computer settings.
FSB (Front Side Bus)
In the microprocessor, the FSB connects the processor with main memory. FSB is used to communicate between motherboard and other components.
HSF (Heat Sink Fan)
A CPU component which is used for absorbs heat. Usually made from alluminium. Using fan as cooler will improve computer performance.
IDE (Integragted Drive Electronics)
A type of hardware interface that serves to connect the hard drive, CD-ROMs, and tape drives on a computer. The IDE is very popular and widely used because it provides a comparatively economical way to connect the hardware components with each other.
L1 Cache
A small number of SRAM memory used as integrated cache or a package within the same module on the processor. L1 cache is locked at the same speed with the processor. it save the instructions and data, and ensure that the processor had a stable supply of data to be processed while the memory capture and store new data.
L2 Cache
Generally consists of SRAM chips, it is located near the processor. However, the latest generation of Athlon processors has a dedicated L2 Cache on chip. It has same function like the L1 cache. L2 cache is also known as secondary cache, a memory which has the lowest latency of the second order (type of memory which has the smallest lattency is L1 Cache) which is provided for microprocessor.
It is one of two chips in the chipsets which is connecting processor to the memory system and AGP bus and PCI. The another chip is called Southbridge.
It is the another one of the previous chip, Northbridge. It controls bus IDE, USB, Plug and Play feature, keyboard, mouse, power management feature, and other hardware. It also connects PCI and ISA.
PATA/ATA (Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment)
Am implementation of data communication in parallel from the disk drive with an IDE based controller, with a width of data transferred for 8-bit.
SATA (Serial Advanced Technology Attachment)
An evolution from parallel ATA on database interface which uses the single cable with a minimum of four wires and connected in point to point so as to achieve transfer speeds up to 150 Mpbs.