Thursday, 4 February 2010
Error 532 on BlackBerry could be the result of third-party applications that do not kompetible with BlackBerry Operating System. One way to overcome is the 532 Error meremove this application.
* Remove the BlackBerry battery for about 30 seconds then plug it in again
* When the BlackBerry is about to rebooting (Sand Clock indicator), connect BlackBerry to a PC / Laptop
* Then open Application Loader and cast / remove applications that are causing these errors
* If those steps do not also deal with Error 532, then the last way to do is wiping or formatting the Blackberry using JL_Cmder (re-installing Blackberry OS), this step of course will delete all data on BlackBerry.
Title : Solution for BlackBerry App Error 532
Description : Error 532 on BlackBerry could be the result of third-party applications that do not kompetible with BlackBerry Operating System. One way to ...
Rating : 5