These are some methods that useful to an usual thing on BlackBerry.
- If your BlackBerry wouldn't turn off the backlight by itself or you don't want to wait for a long time until its backlight turning off, you can press the power button.
- To exit from dialog window, just press escape or enter key.
- To switch the opened application to another one, just hold the Alt key and press the Escape button. Continue to hold the Alt key and select a program. Release the Alt key once time to switch to that program.
- To move or scroll down the screen, press Space key. Otherwise to move or scroll up the screen press Shift key and Space key at the same time.
- To select line of the test, you can press Shift key and roll your trackball or move key.
- To move cursor in a different direction, press the Alt key and roll the tractball or move key.
- To select a mark or check box, press Space key. To deselect it, repeat the same method.