There are some you must do to maintening Windows PC, by doing defragment and clearing cache of your Windows will help you to clearing the PC's harddisk, defragment is used to safe all data in the hard disk to be good, and clearing cache will make the PC works faster and safe some empty space or may be increasing space in the harddisk. Clearing cache is also emptying the history of your browsing time and other about your PC notifications and emtpying the Recycle Bin too.
By doing that, you can see that the PC will work faster than before, because at the first boot or on the blackscreen when you are turning the PC, it will read unimportant data, that's it, you've deleted them.
The last things, removing all viruses and trojans, and any spyware or malware will safe your PC from data lost or broken or even corrupt. Keep updating your anti-virus and other trusted software about PC security. And also keep updating the Windows database.